Friday, March 8, 2013

Corporate Portraits for Resource 1

Back in November of 2012, a friend of mine got in touch about a potential photography opportunity.  He informed me that his consulting company was working on a new web presence for a client, and the client was looking for corporate portraits to be photographed for use on their new web site.  I had never done any true formal portraits before, so the idea made me a little nervous... but I decided I should follow up on the lead and see what happens.

After a few months of meetings, planning, two photo sessions, and hours of post production time, I was able to produce a set of portraits that the client was quite pleased with.  It was a learning experience for me (as every photo session is), and I'm really glad I had the chance to work with this client.  The photographs I captured are now being displayed on the company's "Our Team" page as well as their individual profiles on various social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

This was a great experience for me and, despite my slight trepidation, I'm really pleased with the entire experience.  We captured a few different styles of portraits - some more candid and naturally lit, and others more formal with a backdrop and strobes.